Friday, May 23, 2008

35 Words

I was sent an email requesting I answer 35 questions, each with only a one word answer. Some were easy, some made me pause and think. Some are silly.

I added notes for this blog so I could remember what I was actually thinking. Don't worry, I only used one word responses in my email reply as to not mess up my internet karma.

1. Where is your cell phone? bag
my trusty black work bag

2. Where is your significant other? work

3. Your hair? pigtails
it was sort of a whimsical Friday at the office. Rachel and I decided to be (and look) silly.

4. Your mother? content
at least I hope so

5. Your father? farming
it's a sun-shiney day. I imagine he's at his farm, working on some project or other

6. Your favorite thing? happiness

7. Your dream last night? unremarkable
because I can't remember it. I'm sure there was one, but I couldn't tell you what it was

8. Your favorite drink? cap'ndiet
that's one word, right?

9. Your dream/goal? happiness

10. The room you're in? office
good ol' 450 Syndicate

11. Your hobby? kids
not much time for anything else!

12. Your fear? sickness
the terminal kind

13. Where do you WANT to be in 6 years? happy

14. Where were you last night? Home

15. What you're not? hungry

16. Muffin? top
if that's a question, then the answer is yes!

17. One of your wish list items? draperies
materialistic, yes. But I've been wanting to dress up the windows in my home for more than 5 years

18. Where you grew up? Bloomington

19. The last thing you did? blinked

20. What are you wearing? capris
and shoes and a shirt. We weren't feeling *that* silly at work today.

21. Your TV? dusty

22. Your pets? loud
especially at 5 in the morning

23. Your computer? works
meaning it belongs to my work

24. Your life? good

25. Your mood? anticipating
looking forward to Memorial weekend at the cabin with lots of family, hopefully some good weather, reading and relaxation

26. Missing someone? yes

27. Your car? van

28. Something you're not wearing? rings
I didn't put on my wedding rings today

29. Favorite store? Target

30. Your summer? cabin
we usually spend most weekends in the summer there, but with gas approaching $4 a gallon we may spend more time closer to home this year

31. Like someone? yes

32. Your favorite color? blue
cobalt blue, to be specific

33. When is the last time you laughed? today

34. Last time you cried? days

35. Who will resend this? Becky
one of my old school BabyCenter friends

The end.

Thursday, May 15, 2008



That’s how many images I have saved on my digital camera.

At a certain point, I started thinking about saving them to a CD, maybe printing them off for the albums we all like to look through. That point should have been 4 months ago, or maybe around 150.

Now I’m afraid to print them. Because I know 471 pictures will be staring at me to be put into an album. That’s in addition to the other 500+ that are already patiently waiting – some since last Christmas – to be put in an album.

I don’t know if I can handle the pressure of 471 more.

That was one of things I miss about my good ‘ol 35mm camera. At least there was a forced break to stop snapping pictures and put in another roll of film. Sometimes -- stay with me here -- I would even take the used roll to be developed. Crazy, I know.

So I'm off to find the deal of the century on photo developing.

By the way, does anyone know where I can buy a bajillion photo albums? I know of a few pics that will be looking to relocate after their eviction.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

There's a sloth in my garage

I learned tonight that there's a sloth in my garage.

I know, I know. Difficult to fathom: a sloth in a suburban garage. But you have to believe your children, right?

At bedtime, Nanny tells me that she saw a sloth in the garage.
"Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes", she says.

"Are you sure you're sure?" "Yep".

"You're not just remembering the sloth from the last visit to the zoo?" "Nope".

I ask where in the garage and then the truth comes out.

It wasn't really in the garage.

Not where the cars go.

It was the garage where the bikes are.

"You mean the third stall?" "Yes".

"Nanny, sloths are brown and hairy and have four legs. Are you sure you saw one in the garage?"

"No, it had wings and was flying around in the garage!"

My world was suddenly illuminated.

"Oh! You saw a Moth in the garage!"

"Oh yeah, that's what I meant."

Silly Nanny-noo.

Aren't five year olds fun?